Seattle Public Schools

Risk Management

Environmental Health Issues and Water Quality

Environmental Health Issues

Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA)

In order to protect the health of Seattle Public School students, staff and the general public, all asbestos containing building materials (ACBM) are carefully managed in accordance with the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). Since the passage of AHERA in 1988, the District has had an asbestos management program that includes routine inspections and remediation of ACBM.

Detailed information regarding ACBM at District buildings is maintained in the Asbestos Management Plan (AMP). The AMP is available for review in the main office of each school site as well as the John Stanford Center for Educational Excellence (2445 3rd Ave S).

Learn more about ACBM in each school on the school profile pages.

Annual Asbestos Notification

In accordance with the Federal Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), the Seattle Public Schools notifies parents, teachers, and other employees each year of the availability of the Asbestos Management Plan and actions the District is taking to maintain asbestos containing materials in its buildings.

The District conducted an initial inspection of all school buildings for the purpose of identifying asbestos-containing building material in 1988 and a management plan detailing the findings of the inspection was developed for each building.  Since then, appropriate actions have been taken to ensure that asbestos containing materials are removed, repaired, encapsulated, or enclosed as necessary.

A periodic surveillance of asbestos-containing materials is conducted every six months and a complete reinspection of each school building is conducted every three years.

The Asbestos Management Plan includes the results of each periodic surveillance and the most recent reinspection as well as documentation of asbestos-related activities. The Asbestos Management Plan is maintained and available for review in the administrative office of each school or at the John Stanford Center for Educational Excellence located at 2445 3rd Ave South.  

If you would like additional information regarding the District’s Asbestos Program contact Matthew Saxon at 206-252-0710.

Frequently Asked Questions about Asbestos in Schools

Contact: Matthew Saxon,, 206-252-0710

For additional information, visit the following websites:


Lead Based Paint

The Seattle Public Schools Lead Compliance/Work Plan has been developed to comply with the Washington Industrial Safety and Health Act (WISHA) requirement for a written program. The Plan outlines engineering and work practice controls to reduce employee exposure to lead below the permissible exposure limit.

Word version and pdf version of the Lead Compliance/Work Plan is also available upon request.

Contact: Matthew Saxon,, 206-252-0710

For additional information visit the following websites: