March 11, 2020 – Regular Board Meeting
AgendaFINAL Post
Regular Legislative Session
March 11, 2020, 4:15 p.m.
Board of Directors
2445 – 3rd Avenue South
Seattle, Washington 98134
3/11/20 Board Meeting Update: The Board meeting on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, will proceed as scheduled. However, in the interest of the safety and well-being of SPS’s community, staff, and Directors, several steps are being taken to help reduce the spread of the coronavirus.
First, as the first order of business following the roll call, Director DeWolf will offer a motion to waive the provisions in Board policy and procedure that guarantee members of the public the right to address the Boardin person at Board meetings. If a vote on the motion passes, no member of the public will be permitted to address the Board from the podium at the meeting.
Second, should such a vote pass, for the first 20 people on the public testimony list posted to the meeting agenda, the Board is providing the opportunity for their written comments to be read aloud at the meeting by a Director or staff member. Written comments received from those 20 individuals by 2:30 p.m. on March 11 will be read aloud, subject to a two-minute time limit. Written comments should be submitted either by email at or by fax at 206-252-0101. If you are #21 or above on the testimony list and choose to submit written comments, your comments will only be read aloud if someone in the first 20 spots does not provide written testimony (in the order on testimony list, up to a total of 20). All written comments received will be provided to the Board.
If you have any questions, please contact the Board Office at or 206-252-0040.
I. Call to Order – 4:15 p.m.
- General Welcome Announcement to Audience
- Roll Call
II. Superintendent Comments – 4:45 p.m.
III. Board Committee Reports
IV. Student Comments
V. Business Action Items – 4:55 p.m.
A. Consent Agenda
- Minutes of the February 12, 2020 Oversight Work Sessions , and the February 26, 2020 Regular Board Meeting
- Personnel Report
- Waiver of one (1) school day at Leschi Elementary School due to an emergency closure for an unforeseen natural event (C&I, February 11, for Approval) Approval of this item would approve the Superintendent’s application to the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, which requests permission for Leschi Elementary School to not make up one (1) day of missed school for December 13, 2019 when it was closed due to an unforeseen natural event. (Materials Updated 3/10/20)
- Contract for Middle School and High School yearbooks with Herff Jones (C&I, February 11, for Approval) Approval of this item would authorize the Superintendent to execute a contract with Herff Jones in an amount not to exceed $400,000, including three (3) optional annual extensions, for the management and classroom support in the preparation and printing of middle school and high school yearbooks, in the form of the draft Agreement presented to the School Board, with any minor additions, deletions and modifications deemed necessary by the Superintendent, and to take any necessary actions to implement the contract.
- Approval of contract with Unify Consulting for staff augmentation and work process improvement for business systems and central office departments (A&F, February 10, for Consideration) Approval of this item would authorize the Superintendent to execute a contract amendment with Unify for a total Not-To-Exceed (NTE) amount of $410,000, including taxes, for work process and SAP staff support services with any minor additions, deletions, and modifications deemed necessary by the Superintendent, and to take any necessary actions to implement the amendment.
- Approval of the purchase of replacement Fleet Vehicles (A&F, February 10, for Approval) Approval of this item would authorize the Superintendent to execute a contract with the Washington State Department of Enterprise Services in an amount not to exceed $985,000 for the purchase of replacement fleet vehicles, in the form of the attached list (or equivalent vehicles, depending on pricing and availability when the final purchase order is processed), with any minor additions, deletions, and modifications deemed necessary by the Superintendent, and to take any necessary actions to implement the purchase.
- Seattle Teacher Residency Program Contract (A&F, February 10, for Approval) Approval of this item would authorize the Superintendent to enter into a Personal Service Contract in the 2019-2020 school year for a total not to exceed $301,361 for the purpose of the Seattle Teacher Residency Program.
- BEX V: Approval of additional funding and delivery acceleration for the student computer refresh to support teaching and learning and equitable access for students districtwide (Ops, February 6, for Approval) Approval of this item would authorize the Superintendent to execute purchase orders through RFP No. 06792 with Dell/Thornburg and Apple (iPads) for a total Not-To-Exceed (NTE) amount of $12,500,000.00, plus Washington State Sales Tax, over fiscal years 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23 with any minor additions, deletions, and modifications deemed necessary by the Superintendent and to take any necessary actions to implement the purchase orders.
- Recommendation to Extend Contract Terms and Amend Contract Amounts for Furniture Procurement for 2020-2021, Bid No. B05866 (Ops, February 6, for Consideration) Approval of this item would authorize the Superintendent to execute the contract amendments that extend current contracts approved by the board on September 5, 2018, effective as of October 1, 2018 through March 31, 2020, and amend the contract amounts for an additional year for the Furniture Procurement for 2020-2021 with the following two (2) Vendors: Catalyst Workplace Activation Inc. one-year amendment to contract #P5118 (Bid No. B05866) increase of $2,294,889.12 to initial contract amount of $4,205,969.65 for a revised contract total not to exceed $6,500,858.77; and Evergreen Furnishings LLC one-year amendment to contract #P5119 (Bid No. B05866) increase of $4,820.00 to initial contract amount of $365,030.00 for a revised contract total in the amount not to exceed $369,850.00 plus Washington State sales tax, with any minor additions, deletions, and modifications deemed necessary, and to take any necessary actions to implement the contracts.
- First Amendment to Facilities Capital Projects Warehouse Agreement at Ellis St. Warehouse (Ops, February 6, for Approval) Approval of this item would authorize the Superintendent to execute a first amendment to the lease for the Capital Ellis Street Warehouse located at 6276 Ellis Ave. S., Seattle, WA. 98108 with P&P Georgetown LLC, covering the period of July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2027 for a total of $24,767 a month, with any minor additions, deletions, and modifications deemed necessary by the Superintendent, and to take any necessary actions to implement the contract.
- BEX V: New-in-Lieu Replacement Option for Rainier Beach High School replacement project (Ops, February 6, for Approval) Approval of this item would approve Resolution 2019/20-21, as attached to the Board Action Report, certifying that new facilities identified in the project application (Form D-3) for the Rainier Beach High School replacement project submitted to the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction will be built new in lieu of modernizing the existing facility, and that the existing facility will be demolished. The existing theater consisting of approximately 19,300 square feet will be retained and modernized.
- BEX V: Award Contract P1672, for Construction Project Management Services, to Shiels Obletz Johnsen, Inc. (“SOJ”) for the Van Asselt Classroom Addition and Mercer Middle School Replacement project (Ops, February 6, for Approval) Approval of this item would authorize the Superintendent to execute contract P1672 for Construction Project Management Services, with Shiels Obletz Johnsen, Inc. in the amount of $5,369,905, including reimbursable expenses, with any minor additions, deletions, and modifications deemed necessary by the Superintendent, and to take any necessary actions to implement the contract.
- BTA IV: Final Acceptance of Contract K5101 with King County Directors’ Association (KCDA) and Musco Sports Lighting, LLC for the Athletic Field Lights at Roosevelt High School project (Ops, February 6, for Approval) Approval of this item would accept the work performed under Contract K5101 with King County Directors’ Association (KCDA) and Musco Sports Lighting, LLC for the Athletic Field Lights at Roosevelt High School project as final.
B. Items Removed from the Consent Agenda
VI. Public Testimony – 5:30 p.m.
3/11/20 Board Meeting Update: The Board meeting on Wednesday, March 11, 2020, will proceed as scheduled. However, in the interest of the safety and well-being of SPS’s community, staff, and Directors, several steps are being taken to help reduce the spread of the coronavirus.
First, as the first order of business following the roll call, Director DeWolf will offer a motion to waive the provisions in Board policy and procedure that guarantee members of the public the right to address the Boardin person at Board meetings. If a vote on the motion passes, no member of the public will be permitted to address the Board from the podium at the meeting.
Second, should such a vote pass, for the first 20 people on the public testimony list posted to the meeting agenda, the Board is providing the opportunity for their written comments to be read aloud at the meeting by a Director or staff member. Written comments received from those 20 individuals by 2:30 p.m. on March 11 will be read aloud, subject to a two-minute time limit. Written comments should be submitted either by email at or by fax at 206-252-0101. If you are #21 or above on the testimony list and choose to submit written comments, your comments will only be read aloud if someone in the first 20 spots does not provide written testimony (in the order on testimony list, up to a total of 20). All written comments received will be provided to the Board.
If you have any questions, please contact the Board Office at or 206-252-0040.
Order | Speaker | Topic |
1 | Angelina Riley | Adoption of 2020 Goals and Objectives |
2 | Colby Tran | Trailblazers Program |
3 | Cleo Welch | Franklin High School Mock Trial and restrictions on overnight field trips |
4 | Sadie Gray | Franklin High School Mock Trial and restrictions on overnight field trips |
5 | Erica Ijeoma | restorative justice |
6 | Elliot Patterson | Franklin High School Mock Trial and restrictions on overnight field trips |
7 | Annabelle Russell | Franklin High School Mock Trial and restrictions on overnight field trips |
8 | Tiana Shelby | Franklin High School Mock Trial and restrictions on overnight field trips |
9 | Midori Sylwester | Franklin High School Mock Trial and restrictions on overnight field trips |
10 | Chris Jackins | 1. Approval of Instructional Materials, 2. New-in-Lieu Replacement Option for Rainier Beach HS, 3. Contract for Middle School and HS yearbooks with Herff Jones, 4. First Amendment to Facilities Capital Projects Warehouse Agreement at Ellis St. Warehouse |
11 | Sebrena Burr | Adoption of Board’s 2020 Goals and Objectives, Safety and Communication |
12 | Marissa McDowell | Trailblazers Program |
13 | Allani Seals | Trailblazers in Seattle Public Schools |
14 | Dedrea Danilov | Franklin High School Mock Trial canceled Field trip to state competition |
15 | Beth Paul-Russell | Franklin High School Mock Trial and restrictions on overnight field trips |
16 | Mia Tuan | Seeking an exemption to the moratorium on overnight field trips so Franklin HS’s mock trial teams can compete at State Finals |
17 | Andrew O’Connell | Franklin High School Mock Trial seeks an exception to the moratorium on overnight field trips in order to attend the State Mock Trial Competition from March 20-22, 2020 |
18 | Bruce Gray | Request from the Franklin High School mock trial team seeking an exemption to the moratorium on overnight school trips |
19 | Sara Emily Davis | Misconduct 911 principal |
20 | Alex Tsimmerman | Stop Seattle Idiotic Fascism |
Wait List
Order | Speaker | Topic |
Order | Speaker | Topic |
1 | Greta Joy Jensen | Franklin High School Mock Trial and restrictions on overnight field trips |
2 | Christina Gutierrez | Franklin Mock Trial Seeks Exception to the Overnight Field Trip Ban |
3 | Ava Bonney | Franklin High School Mock Trial and restrictions on overnight field trips |
4 | Mila Danilov | Franklin High School Mock Trial and restrictions on overnight field trips |
5 | Lucy Zern | Franklin High School Mock Trial and restrictions on overnight field trips |
6 | Jaila Willis | Franklin High School Mock Trial and restrictions on overnight field trips |
7 | Amy Zern | Franklin High School Mock Trial and restrictions on overnight field trips |
VII. Board Comments
VIII. Business Action Items (Continued) – 6:30 p.m.
C. Action Items
- Adoption of 2020 Board Goals and Objectives (Exec, February 12, for Approval) Approval of this item would adopt the 2020 Board goals and objectives, as attached to the Board Action Report. (Updated Since Introduction)
- Approval of Instructional Materials Committee Membership 2020-2024 (C&I, February 11, for Approval) Approval of this item would approve the persons listed on the document titled, “Proposed Instructional Materials Committee 2020-2024” attached to the Board Action Report to serve a 4-year term on the Instructional Materials Committee.
- Revisions to School Board Policy No. 2415, High School Graduation Requirements, and School Board Policy No. 2420, High School Grade and Credit Marking Policy, in Response to House Bill 1599 (HB 1599), Multiple Pathways to Graduation (C&I, February 11, for Approval) Approval of this item would amend School Board Policy No. 2415, High School Graduation Requirements, and School Board Policy No. 2420, High School Grade and Credit Marking Policy, as attached to the Board Action Report.
- Refinance 2010 Limited General Obligation refunding bonds (A&F, February 10, for Approval) Approval of this item would approve Resolution 2019/20-25, providing for the issuance and sale of refunding bonds of the district in the aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $20,800,000, for the purpose of refunding certain outstanding general obligations bonds; providing for the redemption of the outstanding bonds to be refunded; appointing a placement agency; and authorizing the Superintendent and/or the Chief Financial Officer of the district to approve interest rate, maturity dates and principal maturities for the bonds under the terms and conditions set forth in the resolution; provided the present value of the net savings to the District are not less than 4 percent of the bonds being refunded.
- Approval of the 2020-21 Transportation Service Standards: Ridership Eligibility (Ops, February 6, for Consideration) Approval of this item would approve the recommended Transportation Service Standards, including Appendix A and Appendix B, that are attached to the Board Action Report, for the 2020-21 school year, and authorize the Superintendent to implement the standards with minor modifications as needed. (Updated Since Introduction)
IX. Adjourn – 8:30 p.m.
Calendar Reminders
A complete list of upcoming Board meetings and Director community meetings can be found on the School Board calendar website. If you have any questions, please contact the School Board Office at 206-252-0040.